Exporting Loss Results to Analyze Re

Analyze Re is a software-as-a-service (SAAS) platform that provides real-time analytics and optimization tools to improve the profitability of reinsurance contracts and portfolios. The product enables users to:

  • Quickly visualize and price even the most complex reinsurance contract terms.

  • Run "what if" analyses by adding and removing layers from different portfolios, and identifying where to increase or decrease participation.

  • Optimize portfolios.

  • Set realistic constraints and requirements for portfolios.

Touchstone's Loss to Analyze Re enables you to export catastrophe and non-catastrophe peril analysis loss results to Analyze Re. You can specify two financial perspectives, "Gross" and "Net".


To export loss results to Analyze Re:

  1. On the global menu bar, click Export, select Results, and select Loss to Analyze Re.
  2. On the Source Results tab, select the loss analyses to export.

    AIR ExportExpress does not include results from deleted databases in the grid.

  3. In the Export Perspectives area, select the perspectives to include.

    You must select at least one perspective. The available perspectives depend on how you configured the detailed loss analysis.

  4. [Optional] Clear the Close on Export check box to keep AIR ExportExpress open after you submit the export job.
  5. Click Export.

    A progress bar indicates the progress of the export. You can view the status in the Activity Monitor grid, and you can view the log for the export.