Managing Mapping Sets

For each set of source import files, you specify a mapping set that tells Touchstone how to interpret the exposure data in each column in the import files. Each mapping set has a unique name and consists of field mappings, value mappings, and defaults. (You cannot specify default values for step function files.) You use the field mapping set to map fields in your data to valid Touchstone fields, and you use value mapping to save information about how AIR ImportExpress should interpret unrecognized values or codes.

You can save and reuse mapping sets, as long as your data files are in the same format. This saves time when starting an import.

The "Manage Mapping Sets" section describes how to: select a saved mapping set; import a mapping set; create a new mapping set; delete, duplicate, rename, export, and edit mapping sets; manage field and value mappings; set defaults. The "Reference" section provides information about managing required fields for different policy types.