Save Losses By

Options for saving losses.

In the Save Loss By area of the Output Options pane, select the resolution, that is, the level of event detail, by which you want to save the loss results.

The Touchstone "Save Loss By Options and Output Table Mapping" spreadsheet on the AIR Client Portal lists the Results (Output) database tables that Touchstone can generate when you run a detailed loss analysis with unique sets of Save Loss By and Additional Details options. Use the spreadsheet to choose the options that will most efficiently generate the data that you need.

Touchstone supports the following Save Loss By options:


This option is automatically selected for loss analyses that you run against an exposure view; it does not appear for analyses that you run against individual contracts. You cannot change this setting. It provides event-level losses.


Select one of the contract options to save loss results by individual contracts, individual layers, user-defined lines of business (LOBs), or by a single contract UDF. If you select the Contract or Layer option, you can generate LOB and layer losses from the database.


Select one of the location options to save loss results by individual location, by a single location UDF, or by a geographic resolution—Event Total, Country, Area (e.g. State), Sub Area (e.g. County), or Postcode (e.g. ZIP Code).

When you save losses by layer and geography:

  • When you also select the Ground Up perspective, the Gross perspective is required.

  • The Pre-Layer Gross perspective is not available when both Ground Up and Gross perspectives are selected.

  • The losses are available to Marginal Impact, Loss Group (for event-level and detailed level grouping), CAT XOL, and Loss Comparative analyses.

  • Touchstone automatically enables Auto CLF.

When you save losses by layer and location:

  • The Gross perspective is required.

  • The losses are available to Marginal Impact, Loss Group (for event-level and detailed level grouping), CAT XOL, and Loss Comparative analyses.

CLF Compatibility Note

When you select a combination of Save Loss By and Geography resolution, the field includes a note indicating whether you can export the results to a CLF (company loss file). You must save the analysis by sub-area. That is, you must select Sub Area (e.g. "County)" in the Save Loss By > Geography list. To map multiple lines of business (LOBs) in the CLF, select Line of Business" or Contract > Save Loss By. Usage considerations:

  • If Custom Surge is selected in the Analysis Settings pane, the analysis is not CLF-compatible and the CLF Compatibility Note value is None.

  • If you select Layer in the Contract area and select Postcode as the geographic resolution, the CLF Compatibility Note is Supports one line of business, which means that you can export the loss results to a CLF for one line of business.

To return to the default Save Loss By settings, click (Reset Form).

When you select any of the Save Loss By options, Touchstone checks the valid Able To Generate columns (Summary EP, Annual EP and TVAR) and generates those results during the analysis. The checked columns indicate the results that you can generate for the selected option. While that information does not appear in the available reports on the Reports to Generate tab (in AIR ExportExpress), you can extract it by using SQL queries to generate the reports.


If you select Save Loss By Line of Business, a Summary EP by LOB report is not available on the Reports to Generate tab, but you can still generate the report by using SQL queries.

To generate the exceedance probability (EP) curve for each policy, the engine sorts the losses in each row from largest to smallest. The largest loss can be assigned an EP of 0.01% (1/10,000), meaning that it is equaled or surpassed only once in the 10,000 simulation years. The second largest loss is equaled or surpassed twice, corresponding to an EP of 2 in 10,000 years, or 0.02%. The 20th, 40th, and 100th largest losses have EPs of 0.2%, 0.4%, and 1%, which correspond to the 500-, 250-, and 100-year return periods, respectively. By assigning an EP to each loss, the engine can derive a full EP curve.

You cannot save losses by selecting any of the following combinations.

  • By Contract and by Contract UDF

  • By Contract UDF and by Line of Business

  • By Contract UDF and Location

  • By Location and Location UDF

  • By Location UDF and Line of Business