Removing Reinsurance Programs and Treaties

Removing reinsurance programs and treaties.

You can delete a single reinsurance program or treaty, or delete multiple reinsurance programs or treaties from the list of reinsurance programs and treaties.


To remove one or more reinsurance programs:

  1. Open a project.
  2. In the project's navigation pane, click Reinsurance and then click All Programs.
  3. To delete a single reinsurance program from the list:
    1. Highlight the row containing the program.
    2. Right-click the selected program and click (Delete).

      A warning message appears.

    3. Click Delete or, if you changed your mind, click Cancel.
  4. 4.To remove multiple reinsurance programs from the list:
    1. Hold down Shift and then click each program that you want to remove.

      Touchstone highlights each selected row.

    2. Right-click the selected programs and click .

      A warning message appears.

    3. Click Delete to delete the selected programs.
  5. To remove treaties:
    1. Click the program name to display the list of treaties in the selected program.
    2. Follow the same processes described in steps 3 and 4.