Non-AIR Construction Class Codes

In addition to AIR construction class codes, Touchstone supports the following sets of non-AIR construction class codes:

  • ATC construction class codes (ATC)

  • ISO earthquake codes (ISE)

  • ISO fire codes (ISF)

  • ISO WC codes (ISW)

When you import non-AIR construction class codes, Touchstone converts these codes to the corresponding AIR construction class codes for consideration in analyses. However, AIR always recommends translating non-AIR codes to AIR codes wherever possible before importing your data.

If you want to import non-AIR construction class codes , make sure that you either include specific data for both the Construction Building field and the Construction Other Structures field in your locations import file (see Location Basic Building Fields for information about the fields) or that you do not map the Construction Other Structures field to a Touchstone field during the import process.