About the Touchstone Global Menu Bar
When you open Touchstone, the window includes a global menu bar and the application's Home page. The global menu bar includes the following functions:
Exposure: Enables you to import the following types of exposure data into Touchstone:
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
EDM Format
Map Layer: Enables you to import map layers from vector or raster files.
Project: Enables you to import a project that another Touchstone user previously exported and shared with you.
Exposure: Enables you to export the following items from Touchstone:
Exposure to CSV
UNICEDE/2/Associate Exposure
Exposure to Database
Results: Enables you to export the results of analyses that you run in Touchstone:
Company Loss File (CLF)/Associate Loss File
Loss to CSV
Comparative Loss to CSV
Loss to Database
Loss to AnalyzeRe
Geospatial to CSV
Ring to Terrorism Event Set
Data Quality to CSV
Hazard to CSV
Reports: Enables you to export the following reports:
Risk Management Summary Reports
Florida Commission Reports
Projects: Enables you to export data, such as exposure view definitions, associated with any project in your business unit.
Activity Monitor: Displays the Activity Monitor. You can also open the Activity Monitor by clicking
on the far right of the global menu bar.
Data Source Manager: Enables you to manage Touchstone databases.
Model Builder: Enables you to modify AIR damage functions.
Administration Console: Enables authorized users to manage a suite of administrative tasks.
Touchstone Help: Launches the Help system. You can also launch the Help system by clicking
AIR Client Portal: Opens the AIR Client Portal website where you have to log in.
Email Support: Provides an email link for support, and company contact information.
About Touchstone: Displays information about the application, terms, and conditions.
User Information
This pane displays the user name and email, user role, business unit, mode (Portfolio or Underwriting Contract), Touchstone Client information, database information, and license expiration date.