Validate Data Options Pane

A Validate Data diagnostic enables you to assess the quality of your exposure data by running a portfolio against a set of Completeness Rules and Reasonability Rules. The Validate Data Options pane contains the following fields that enable you to configure a Validate Data diagnostic as part of a Data Quality Analysis:




Specifies whether Touchstone should validate the completeness of the exposure data during this analysis, using the completeness rule set that you select.

To validate exposure data completeness, select this check box and then select the desired rule set from the corresponding list.

If you do not want to validate exposure data completeness, clear this check box.


To define completeness rules, click Options.


Specifies whether Touchstone should validate the reasonability of the exposure data during this analysis, using the reasonability rule set that you select.

To validate exposure data reasonability, select this check box and then select the desired rule set from the corresponding list.

If you do not want to validate exposure data reasonability, clear this check box.


To define reasonability rules, click Options..

Related topics

       Validate Data diagnostic

       Performing a Validation diagnostic

       Completeness Rules

       Reasonability Rules

       Modifying Validation Rules


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020