
When you edit a mapping set, you can also specify defaults so that AIR ImportExpress automatically fills in certain blank fields in the selected source import files. For example, AIR ImportExpress can use a default inception date, such as January 1 of the current year, in any imported policies in which the Inception Date field is blank.

  Defaults do not overwrite imported data; they only fill in blank fields. There are no default settings for Step Function files.

To review and edit the defaults:

1.     In the Field Mapping window, select the Defaults tab that corresponds to the import file (contract, locations, or reinsurance) for which you want to review or edit the defaults.

2.     Edit the default values that you want to change. The following topics list the defaults for each type of import file:

       Contracts Defaults Tab

       Locations Defaults Tab

       Reinsurance Defaults Tab

3.     Click Apply to save your changes, or click OK to save the defaults and close the Field Mapping window.



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020