Specifying Output Options


You use the Output Options pane to define the information that you want to include in a catastrophe peril analysis or non-catastrophe peril analysis.

When you configure a catastrophe peril analysis, you can set the following options:

       Loss perspectives

       "Save loss by" resolutions. Example Some output types are only available at certain levels. The level that you select does not affect loss results, only how the results are saved in the database.

       Ability to save contract and location summary information (AAL only)

       Whether to save by coverage

       Whether to save an estimate of the number of claims

       Whether to save results by injury types

       Whether to apply MAOL (Maximum Any One Life) insurance terms to the analysis results

       Whether to include "by Peril" or "by Model" columns in the Summary EP table

       Whether to accumulate exposures in selected zones

When you configure a non-catastrophe peril analysis, you can set the following options:

       Loss perspectives

       Non-catastrophe details


Touchstone saves results (in the database) only by the selected loss perspectives, which helps to reduce the amount of data stored in your databases.

To specify output options for a catastrophe peril analysis or non-catastrophe peril analysis:

1.     Create a new catastrophe peril analysis or non-catastrophe peril analysis.

2.     Under Loss Diagnostics, click Output.

The Output Options pane appears.

3.     Select the loss perspectives that you want to save.

4.     For a catastrophe peril analysis, select how to save the loss results.

5.     For a catastrophe peril analysis, specify summary information.

6.     For a catastrophe peril analysis, specify additional details.

7.     For a non-catastrophe peril analysis, specify non-catastrophe details.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020