CSV Contracts Files

CSV Contracts files.

Comma-separated values (CSV) contracts files contain the information about the policies, layers, and sublimits that you want to import into Touchstone. The following table describes each of the elements that you can include in a contracts file:

Contracts File Element



Policy (contract)

Contains overarching information about the policy, such as the line of business (LOB), status, and inception and expiration dates. Touchstone uses the inception and expiration dates that you specify in the policy element to calculate losses.



Contains information about the limits and deductibles that apply to all locations.



Contains information about limits and deductibles that apply across multiple, but not across all, locations. The Sublimit Area field in a sublimit entry within a contracts import file (Applies To Locations field in the Touchstone user interface) and the Sublimit Area field for an individual location entry within a locations import file link the location with the sublimit. You can apply a single sublimit area to a location.


The following diagram illustrates the link between locations and sublimits.


For detailed information about the fields that you can import as part of a CSV contracts file, see the following topics: