Required Fields
Required fields in Import.
Address Information can include any combination of country, address, city, area/state, county, postal code, and or CRESTA zone. You must map the country code to CountryISO (ISO Code). ISO codes are two-letter country abbreviations that Touchstone uses.
For Primary Property policy types
Field Mapping Tab |
Required Fields |
Contracts |
Contract ID, Insured Name, Layer ID, Total Limit (Limit 1) |
Locations |
Contract ID, Location ID, Address Information, Replacement Values |
Reinsurance |
Contract ID, Reinsurance ID, Exposure ID |
Step Function |
Contract ID |
For Facultative Property policy types
Field Mapping Tab |
Required Fields |
Contracts |
Certificate ID, Insured Name, Layer ID, Participating Layer Amount, 100% Layer Amount |
Locations |
Certificate ID, Location ID, Replacement Values, Address Information |
For Primary Workers' Compensation policy types
Field Mapping Tab |
Required Fields |
Contracts |
Contract ID, Insured Name, Layer ID, Total Limit (Limit 1) |
Locations |
Contract ID, Location ID, Number of Employees, Annual Payroll, Address Information |
Reinsurance |
Contract ID, Reinsurance ID, Exposure ID |
For Facultative Workers' Compensation policy types
Field MappingTab |
Required Fields |
Contracts |
Certificate ID, Insured Name, Layer ID, Participating Layer Amount, 100% Layer Amount |
Locations |
Contract ID, Location ID, Number of Employees, Annual Payroll, Address Information |