Exporting Results to PDF
You can export reports for all the results of a Data Quality Analysis into a single Adobe Portable Document Format (.PDF) file, or you can select a specific results set in an analysis to export to PDF.
To export the results of a Data Quality Analysis to PDF:
- In the project's navigation pane, select Results and then select Data Quality Analyses.
- Highlight an analysis whose activity status is Completed and for which the PDF link in the Export column is active.
Click the PDF link and then configure the export settings.
In the Export Analysis to PDF dialog
box, in the Analysis Type list,
select the analysis type.
- Data Quality
Exports all the results sets in the selected analysis to a single PDF document
- Data Quality Score
Exports the results from a Score Data diagnostic.
- Validation
Exports the results from a Validation diagnostic.
- AM Best
Exports the results created when you select Create Rating Agency Reports.
- Benchmark
Exports the results from a Benchmark diagnostic.
- Augmentation
Exports the results from an Augmentation diagnostic.
- [Optional] Enter the portfolio name and the name of the preparer, and modify the report name.
Select the content to include in the report.
The content depends on the analysis type and how it was configured. Options that you did not include when configuring the analysis, such as AM Best are not available for selection.
In the Export Analysis to PDF dialog
box, in the Analysis Type list,
select the analysis type.
- [Optional] Select the Close on submission check box.
Click Submit.
The generated PDF is stored it in the Reports section of the navigation pane. If you did not select Close on submission, the dialog box remains open.
To retrieve and save a Data Quality Analysis PDF report:
- In the project's navigation pane, select Reports.
Select Data Quality Analysis.
The Reports grid displays information about the reports that you have generated, including the report name, the name of the preparer, the status, the target analysis name, the creation time, and the start time.
When the report status is
Completed, click the
active PDF link.
The report opens in Adobe Acrobat.
- On the Acrobat File menu, click Save As, select the target location for the PDF, and then click Save.