To configure the Select Loss Results CLF section of the Manage Projects wizard:
On the Select Loss Results (CLF) tab, select the result sets
to export.
Optionally, on the Confirm Loss Options tab, modify the
financial perspectives and catalog sizes to include in the results.
On the Confirm LOB Mapping tab, map each unrecognized,
user-specified LOB in the loss results to an industry LOB:
To map the user-specified LOBs to one industry LOB, select an LOB in the
Set All Countries To field and then click
Touchstone applies the LOB you
selected for all countries where the LOB is valid.
Alternatively, click each Industry LOB cell, and then select an LOB.
You can copy and paste an industry LOB value by highlighting the value,
right-clicking, and then selecting Copy or Paste in the shortcut menu.
Ensure that any pasted value is valid for the corresponding country.
Touchstone maps the user-specified LOBs in the
results data to the industry LOBs that you specify.