Specifying Output Options

You use the Output Options pane to define the information that you want to include in a catastrophe peril analysis.

When you configure a catastrophe peril analysis, you can set various options, including loss perspectives, "Save loss by" resolutions, contract and location summary information (AAL only), and claims and injury types information. You can also specify whether to apply CLF Compatibility and MAOL (Maximum Any One Life) insurance terms to the analysis results, and whether to use zone sets in the analysis.


Touchstone saves results (in the database) only by the selected loss perspectives. This helps to reduce the amount of data stored in your databases.

To specify output options for a catastrophe peril analysis:


  1. Create a new catastrophe peril analysis.
  2. Under Loss Diagnostics, click Output.

    The Output Options pane appears.

  3. Select the loss perspectives that you want to save.
  4. Select the resolution by which to save the loss results.
  5. Specify CLF Compatibility.
  6. Specify summary information (AAL only).
  7. Specify additional details.
  8. [Optional] Select Zone and choose the zone sets to use in the analysis.