Touchstone grids are tables that display projects, exposure views, contracts, and exposure data. Touchstone includes many different grids, including those used in the following components:
Projects pane
Exposure Summary Dashboard (Exposure Views)
Contract List
Locations List
Layers List
Step Functions
Activity Monitor
Data Source Manager
Zone Set Manager
You can sort and filter grid information, cut, copy, and paste it, and otherwise organize it to be optimally useful to you. The individual functions you can use with a grid depend on the type of grid you are working with.
Related topics
- Grid Toolbar
Toolbar icons enable you to perform various operations.
- Sidebar
Sidebar icons enable you to alter the content and format of a view.
- Filtering Lists
Filters enable you to display only items that meet certain criteria.
- Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Data in Grids
Since exposure and results grids contain different kinds of information, Touchstone manages these functions differently.
- Grouping Results
The Data Quality Analysis feature displays results in the Report Detail Viewer. The Report Detail Viewer enables you to group and sub-group results information by column heading.
- Using Column Chooser
The Column Chooser enables you to selectively view and reorder columns in large grids.
- Sorting columns
To sort the grid by the values in a particular column, click the column heading once to sort the values in ascending order. Click the column heading a second time to sort the values in descending order. Touchstone sorts across all pages in the grid: it does not only sort the columns on the current page.