Importing CSV Files


AIR ImportExpress enables you to import comma-separated values (CSV) files, which significantly decreases the amount of time that it takes to import data into Touchstone.

For each file, you define a mapping set that indicates what data is stored in each column. If you use a standard format for all your contract data, you can reuse the mapping sets for future imports.

  AIR strongly recommends that the CSV files do not include: double or triple spaces between words, commas, letters with accents (such as Ã, Ë, é, â), or the following special characters: ?, ©, , #, /, <, >, -, &, °, (, ), +, :, ;, ', !, *, £

To import data from a CSV file:

1.     On the global menu bar, click Exposure > Comma Separated Values (CSV).

The AIR ImportExpress dialog box appears and opens to the Import & Mapping Data tab.

2.     In the Import Type list, select Comma Separated File (.csv).

3.     In the Policy Type list, select the a policy type.

If you are importing workers' compensation exposure data, select a workers' compensation policy type.

4.     If the files to import contain headers (or column labels) in the first row and you do not want the application to import the header values, select the Files have headers check box.

If the check box is deselected, the application uses generic column headers (F1, F2, etc.) and imports the values that are in the first row.

5.     In the Mapping Set list, select a mapping set, import a mapping set, or create a new mapping set.

6.     In the Contracts, Locations, Reinsurance, and Step Function fields, browse to the import file or files.

When you select the files to import, Touchstone attempts to map the column headings in your data to acceptable Touchstone fields. This function is called "automapping."

Touchstone does not support reinsurance for facultative policies or step functions for facultative and workers' compensation policies. Consequently, the Reinsurance and Step Function may not appear.

7.     Click Edit Mappings to map fields in the source data that Touchstone did not recognize during the automapping process.

When you use an unfamiliar mapping set, AIR recommends that you view and confirm that all fields are mapped as expected. You can also set defaults for contracts, locations, and reinsurance files.

8.     Click Scan Mappings to ensure that all codes and values were mapped to acceptable Touchstone values.

9.     Set the destination for the imported data by specifying the database, exposure set, and (optional) exposure view for the data that you want to import.

10.  Configure the import options.


AIR ImportExpress does not save the import options with the mapping set. The settings apply only to the current import job. However, the Remember Settings check box on the Options tab enables you to preserve your settings.

11.  Optionally, deselect Close on Import to keep the Import Project window open after you submit the import job.

12.  Click Import.

You can check the status of the import job and review logs in the Activity Monitor.

  The Import statuses are Completed, Completed With Exceptions, and Failed.
  To view logs in Touchstone, you must first configure Notepad or WordPad as the default application for opening text files on your computer.


© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020