Viewing Map Layers

  This topic applies to version 5.0 and earlier. See Viewing Map Layers in 5.1 and Later for 5.1 and later information.

After you open a contract to view the contract details, four tabs become available: Locations, Layers, Step Function, and Map. When you select the Map tab, the Mapping ribbon appears. Among other mapping functions, the ribbon enables you to view exposure data with AIR-provided map layers (Events and Hazard) or with custom map layers that you import into the project. (You can also use the map layers when you are working with the results of Geospatial Analyses.) You can edit map layer properties and map legend items.

Click here for information about working with maps.

This steps in this topic describe how to view your exposure data with both a custom map layer, "Songda Windspeed Bands", and an AIR-provided layer, "Songda 2004" (the track of the Songda typhoon).

To view map layers:

1.     Open a project.

2.     Open the exposure view in which you want to display a map layer. Unless you most recently opened the exposure view to the Contract List view, the Exposure Summary Dashboard appears.

3.     To open the contract list., in the list to the left of the exposure view name, select Contract List.

4.     In the Contract Summary grid, open a contract by clicking the contract ID. The Contract Details pane appears with four tabs: Locations, Layers, Step Function, and Map.

5.     Select the Map tab. The map displays the locations in the contract.

6.     On the Mapping ribbon, in the Custom Defined Layers group, select Events > Wind > Songda Windspeed Bands (or any other appropriate AIR-defined or custom layer). Right-click on the selected map layer and then select Zoom to Layer. Touchstone zooms in on the selected layer. In the example used in this topic, the map displays the Songda wind speed bands defined in the layer.

7.     In the Map Tools group, click Map Layer Properties. The window lists the currently selected map layers.

8.     To manipulate map layer properties, select the layer.

9.     To view the track of the Songda 2004 typhoon, in the AIR Provided Layers group, select Events > Asia Pacific > Historical > Tropical Cyclone > Songda 2004. Right-click on the selected map layer and then select Zoom to Layer. Now the map shows the wind speed bands and the Songda typhoon track.

10.  To modify the appearance of the map, select Map Legend in the Map Tools group and then expand the Map Legend in the lower right corner of the map. Click any item in the legend, such as a windspeed band. When the Symbology Editor opens, you can temporarily change the display of items, such as the border color, fill color, and border thickness.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020