Enhance with Property-Specific Data and/or User-Specified Values Pane

Project Data > All Exposure Views > {Select an Exposure View} > New Analysis: Data Quality Analysis > New Data Quality Analysis > Enhance with Property-Specific Data and/or User-Specified Values > Enhance with Property-Specific Data and/or User-Specified Values Pane

The Data Quality Augment diagnostic enhances the quality of your exposure data when higher quality data exists in AIR's Property-specific database. You can also enhance your data with user-specified values. In this way, this diagnostic enables you to improve the data quality of any problem areas you may have identified when using the Validate, Score, and Benchmark diagnostics. The pane contains the following fields that enable you to configure an Augment diagnostic as part of a Data Quality Analysis:



Property-Specific Data

Specifies whether Touchstone should augment your exposure data when higher quality data exists in AIR's Property-specific database, using the augmentation rule set that you select.

To augment exposure data with property-specific data, select this check box and then select the desired rule set from the corresponding list. If you do not want to augment exposure data with property-specific data, clear this check box.


To define augmentation rules, click Options.

Include data consistency summary

Specifies that Touchstone should include summary information about the consistency of your data with AIR's Property-specific database.

Include data consistency details

Specifies that Touchstone should include details about data consistency for each location.

User-specified values

Specifies whether Touchstone should augment your exposure data with user-specified values, using the user-specified values rule set that you select.

To augment exposure data with user-specified values, select this check box and then select the desired rule set from the corresponding list. If you do not want to augment exposure data with user-specified values, clear this check box.


To define augmentation rules, click Options.

Excluded Locations File

Specifies the exclusion file that lists the locations that you want to exclude from augmentation.

To select an excluded locations file, click the folder icon, browse to the location containing the file, select the desired exclusions file, and then click Open.


An excluded locations file is a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing a line that lists each location that you want to exclude. Use the following format for each line within an excluded locations file:

[Business Unit Name],[Book Name],[Contract ID],[Location ID]

Create New

Specifies that Touchstone should copy your exposure data to a new exposure view and update this data with augmented values immediately after the completion of this Data Quality Analysis.

If you select this option, enter the name of the new exposure view in the Exposure View Name field.

Exposure View Name

Specifies the name of the new exposure view that Touchstone should create, to which Touchstone should copy your exposure data, and in which Touchstone should update this data with augmented values immediately after the completion of this Data Quality Analysis.

Enter the desired name for the new exposure view if you selected the Create New option.


Specifies that Touchstone should update your existing exposure data with augmented values immediately after the completion of this Data Quality Analysis.