Exporting AIR Modeled Exposure Statistics Summary
The AIR Modeled Exposure Statistics Summary report contains an exposure summary and a summary of modeled exposure statistics for a given detailed loss analysis.
The report includes information such as geocode match levels, construction and occupancy values, line of business distributions, and so on. The exposure statistics correspond to the filtered exposure view listed under the analysis name or exposure view name. That is, the report does not include statistics for locations that were excluded from the detailed loss analysis results. The Exposure View Filter field in this report indicates whether a filter was applied. The report also includes a glossary of terms that defines terms found in the analysis settings or modeled exposure statistics summary.
Before generating a summary report, make sure that an exposure summary was generated for the exposure view used to run the detailed loss analysis that you plan to select for the report. AIR ExportExpress will not generate the report if an exposure summary was not generated for the exposure view.
To generate the report from AIR ExportExpress: