Editing Field Mappings
To edit field mappings:
- In the Mapping Set and File Selection area on the Import & Mapping Data tab of AIR ImportExpress, select the policy type, mapping set, and data to import.
Click Edit Mappings.
The Field Mapping window includes a tab for each type of data that you selected. A status icon on each tab indicates whether the tab is filled out
or requires further action
Note:The Contracts tab, Locations tab, and Reinsurance tab contain sub-tabs for field mapping and defaults. The Step Function tab contains a tab for field mapping.
Select the Field Mapping tab that corresponds to each of the
file types to import—contracts, locations, reinsurance, and/or step function
The tabs that appear depend on the policy type. The Mapped Fields grid initially displays the fields in the source files that AIR ImportExpress was able to automap. If you map fields manually, the Mapped Fields field displays the total number of fields that were automapped or manually mapped. The first row of the Mapped Fields grid contains the column headings in your source data. The second row contains the valid Touchstone fields. The remaining rows contain data from the first 10 import records.
To map your data to valid Touchstone fields,
select the appropriate Touchstone field from the
list below the column heading for each import column containing data that you want to
For example, if your data includes an InsuredName column, select Insured Name from the list below the InsuredName import column heading. Each tab includes a list of required fields that must be included in the import file for a successful import. In addition, an asterisk (*) next to a Touchstone field identifies a required field. If you already mapped a required field, a green check mark
appears to the left of the field. Warning triangles identify additional required Touchstone fields that you must map.
When you select the Locations tab, in the #
Terms field, select the number of coverage term sets
that exist for the locations that you want to import.
Coverage term sets include the following limit and deductible fields:
Location Peril
Limit Type
Limit Building
Limit Other
Limit Contents
Limit Time
Participation 2
Deductible Type
Deductible Building
Deductible Other
Deductible Contents
Deductible Time
Sublimit Area
Note:When a location includes multiple sets of coverage terms, the terms are repeated in the Field Mapping grid. The field label identifies the term set. For example, Deductible Type 2 indicates that this is the Deductible Type field in the second set of terms and Deductible Type 3 identifies the field in the third set of terms.
- [Optional] If you have user-supplied geocode resolution codes that are related to the user-supplied geocodes you are importing and preserving, then you can map the column that contains your user-supplied geocode resolution codes to the Touchstone UserGeoMatchLevelCode column during import; the column is stored in the tLocation table after import. You can also map these geoocde resolution codes to AIRGeocodeMatchLevelCodes during import by using user-supplied geocode match level mapping set rules.
- As you edit the settings on each tab, click Apply to save the field mappings.
When you finish setting field mappings, click OK to save the
field mappings and close the Field Mapping window.
After editing the field mappings, you can configure any necessary value mappings.
See the Using Geocoding in Touchstone document on the AIR Client Portal for information about the minimum location information requirements for geocoding exposures.
If your exposure data includes columns for both CountryISO and CountryCL2 codes, make sure that you map only one of these fields. Otherwise, the mapping set will be invalid, and the import will fail.