Creating a New Loss Comparative Analysis

You perform a Loss Comparative Analysis to compare results from detailed loss analyses.


  1. Create a project or open an existing project.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Results.
  3. In the Results grid, highlight one or more analyses and then, under Run Analysis, select Loss Comparative Analysis.

    The New Loss Comparative Analysis pane appears.

  4. Specify the analysis options.
  5. Specify analysis management settings.
  6. In the Analysis Name field, leave the default name, which includes the type of analysis, or enter a unique alphanumeric identifier.
  7. Click Run.

    Click here for information about resubmitting the job from the Activity Monitor.

    Touchstone adds the analysis to the Activity Monitor queue for processing when the required system resources are available and as soon as any specified scheduling and priority conditions are satisfied.

  8. View the analysis results.