Working with Loss Comparative Analysis Results

Results > Loss Comparative Analyses

The information in the results grid is similar to the information in the results grid for a Detailed Loss Analysis. The main difference is that the results grid for a Loss Comparative Analysis includes a row for each set of analysis results being compared. For example, if you compare two sets of results, Test1 and Test2, the Summary EP Table will include a row for Test1 and Test2. If you compare three sets of results, the Summary EP Table will include a row for Test1, Test2, and Test3. In addition, a Loss Comparative Analysis includes a map and a Geo Level Table widget.

Losses saved by layer and geography are available to Marginal Impact, Loss Group (for event-level and detailed level grouping), CAT XOL, and Loss Comparative analyses.


When you compare the results of Deterministic Loss Analyses, Touchstone only displays the Event Loss Summary Table.


  1. Access the results grid for your project.

    You can also open results from the Activity Monitor.

  2. Open the set of Loss Comparative Analysis results that you want to view.
  3. In the Perspective group, select the financial perspectives for which you want to view the results.
  4. In the Agg/Occ group, select Aggregate (total losses in a year) or Occurrence (highest possible loss per year from a single event), or leave both options selected.
  5. In the EP Type group, select the type of EP that you want to view.
    • Standard EP

    • Secondary EP

    • EP Value/Return Periods

    • Tail Value at Risk

    To edit the points for the Return Periods, click , enter the point values you want to use, and then click OK.

  6. On the Results ribbon, click Source to Display.

    Touchstone displays the alias names (if any) along with an identifying color for each set of results, and identifies the original baseline set of results

  7. To include a comparison row for each set of results, click Comparisons, and then select the difference operator for the comparison.

    Amount of Change

    The difference between the ground-up loss for one set of loss results and the baseline loss results


    The percent of difference between the gross loss for one set of loss results and the baseline loss results

    Percent Of

    The percent of difference between the net loss for one set of loss results and the baseline loss results

    Touchstone displays the magnitude of the difference between the baseline results and other loss results.

  8. To change the color of a set of results, click the arrow next to the current color and then select a new color.
  9. To select a different baseline, select the Baseline option next to the name of the results set.
  • The map displays comparison metrics for different geographical boundaries. It displays the difference between the baseline and the AAL for the selected geographic boundaries. The legend is automatically populated even when there are no differences.

  • Colors in the widgets differentiate each set of compared results.

  • By default, the view includes the Summary EP Table, the Annual EP Chart, and the Event Loss Summary Table. Other widgets—Summary EP Chart, Annual EP Table, Map, Geo Level Table, and LOB by Contract Table—are accessible when you use the sidebar to change the View options. If you are comparing the results of Deterministic Loss analyses, only the Event Loss Summary Table widget is available.

  • The map displays comparison results for only two sets of loss results. The geographical resolution on the map depends on the resolution at which you ran the Loss Comparative Analysis. The colored outlines of the boundaries display the magnitude of difference between the two sets of loss results. The map legend identifies the colors used for the comparison results (based on the selected comparison metric). As you zoom in and out on the map, the map reflects the changes.

  • The results include a Geo Level Table that displays aggregated AAL results by country for each set of results being compared only when the loss results used in the analysis were saved at the location, postal, sub area, or area level.

  • The results include an LOB by Contract table that displays aggregated AAL results by Contract ID and/or by LOB for each set of results being compared—only when you select the Line of Business and/or Contract filters when configuring the analysis. In the table, you can use the Column Chooser to display both LOB and Contract ID columns, only the LOB column, or only the Contract ID column. The table displays the top 20 rows with the largest AALs in descending order.