Geo Level Table
The Geo Level table is available only when you configure the Loss Comparative Analysis to filter the results by geography and when at least one set of loss results included in the Loss Comparative Analysis was saved at the location, postal, sub area, or area level.
The table contains the following information:
- Item
- Description
- Geography1
By default, the country for which the AAL is specified.
If you change the resolution on the Widget tab, you can display area/CRESTA, sub area, postal, and location loss results, depending on the loss results that were included the resolution data.
To filter the results by geographic resolution, select the filter row in the widget, select the cell in the column to be used as the filter (such as the Country cell), select the filter type (the default is Starts with), start typing the first letter of the filter (such as L or the complete search string, such as Los Angeles, and then press Enter.
To filter the comparative loss results by administrative boundaries, on the Widget tab, select .
If you select an administrative boundary and you select a resolution, Touchstone retrieves all results that match the resolution filter, regardless of the selected administrative boundary.
The AAL for each set of loss results.
If the dashboard view includes loss results that were not saved at the location, postal, sub area, or area level, the AAL column for that set of results includes a dash (–).
A column displays the comparison for each row. The default is the Amount of Change metric; you can select Percent or Percent Of on the Dashboard as the comparison metric. The column displays the difference between the selected baseline result and each set of loss results.