AIR has certified the following projections (PRJ). Other projections may also work. You may want to try importing them first and then, if there are problems, use an external GIS tool to convert them to the tested and certified projections.
Projection |
Vector Support |
Raster Support |
Alberts Equal Area Conic |
ESRI Shapefile |
GeoTiff |
British National Grid |
ESRI Shapefile |
GeoTiff |
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area |
ESRI Shapefile |
GeoTiff |
Lambert Conformal Conic |
ESRI Shapefile |
GeoTiff |
NAD 1927 Contiguous USA Albers |
ESRI Shapefile |
GeoTiff, ERDAS IMG |
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) |
SQLite, ESRI Shapefile |
GeoTiff |
Web Mercator |
ESRI Shapefile, GeoJSON, GML, SQLite |
GeoTiff, ERDAS IMG, Arc/Info ASCII Grid |
WGS 1984 (the default if you do not provide a PRJ) |
ESRI Shapefile, GeoJSONGML, SQLite |
GeoTiff, ERDAS IMG, Arc/Info ASCII Grid |