Most Frequently Observed Value

This report displays totals and percentages of locations with the most frequently observed primary characteristics by property type: Personal Property, Commercial Property, or Workers' Compensation You can group the results by a specific peril.

To view results for different perils, select the peril in the Group Results By list. For each of the three property types, Touchstone displays information in the Category of data column.

This report displays the following information:

  • Most frequently observed values. The values are calculated based on the total insurance value (TIV), not on the actual value.

Occupancy code 304 appears twice in the exposure data, but code 315 is considered the most frequently observed value because it is associated with a higher TIV than the TIVs of both 304 codes combined.

  • LocID


    Limit Building













  • Percent of locations containing the most frequently observed value.

To see the results for different perils, select the peril in the Group Results By list. The following table describes each of the categories of exposure data and the associated columns.

Category of Data


Characteristics of property insured or of property containing insured workers

Occupancy Type

Value (for example, General residential) and percent of locations with the most frequently observed occupancy type

Year Built

Value (for example, 1994) and percent of locations with the most frequently observed year built

Construction Type

Value (for example, Wood frame) and percent of locations with the most frequently observed construction type

Number of Stories

Value (for example, 4 stories), and percent of locations with the most frequently observed number of stories