Exporting Exposure Data To CSV Files
You can export exposure data, such as contract, location, and reinsurance data to comma-separated values (CSV) files. Contract data includes policies, layers, sublimits, and step functions.
When you export exposure data, Touchstone extracts the data from the CEDE exposure database, so that you can exchange the data with primary insurers and reinsurers.
Touchstone creates a separate CSV file for each type of exposure data that you select. For example, if you select Contract Data and Location Data, Touchstone creates two CSV files in the destination folder. You can review the name of an exported file to understand the type of data the file contains. For example, ExportCSV_ContractData.csv contains contract information. ExportCSV_LocationData.csv contains location information.
You can view exposure data exported to CSV format in Excel. Touchstone orders the data in columns so that you do not need to manually order the data.
If you save the exported file in Excel, Excel changes the file format changes to tab-delimited.
Touchstone supports primary and facultative contracts. The following table lists the type of data exported for each type of contract.
Type of Data |
Primary Property |
Facultative Property |
Primary Workers' Compensation |
Facultative Workers' Compensation |
Contract |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Location |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Reinsurance |
X |
Not applicable |
X |
Not Applicable |
Step Function |
X |
Not applicable |
X |
Not Applicable |
If you import exposure data that includes a layer with attachment point amounts (limits by coverage A-D), Touchstone converts the attachment point amounts to sublimit attachments (A-D). If you subsequently export the same exposure data, the exported file contains sublimit attachment columns (SublimitAttachA, SublimitAttachB, SublimitAttachC, and SublimitAttachD), which correspond to the attachment point amounts from the original exposure data (AttachmentPtA, AttachmentPtB, AttachmentPtC, and AttachmentPtD).
To export exposure data to a CSV file:
Next Steps
You or another user can import the exported file.