Using Map Layers in Geospatial Analysis Results

When a Geospatial Analysis has completed, you can display AIR-provided or user-created layers on the analysis results. You can also create different tables and charts using widgets. Geospatial Analysis requires a license.

The "Maps in Geospatial Analysis" topic provides information about working with maps, including how to zoom in to the map and to zoom out of an area on the map, and to set the map to the full extent of the exposure data.


To display a map layer on the results of a Geospatial Analysis:

  1. To view the analysis results, use either of the following methods.
    • In the Activity Monitor, highlight the analysis name and then click

      (View Analysis Result).
    • Open your project. In the navigation pane, click Results. Select Geospatial Analyses and then, in the results grid, click the analysis name. The map displays all the locations in the exposure set and an Analysis Summary (in the upper left corner of the map). The Analysis Summary displays the risk count sum, the exposure values count, and the total replacement value for all the exposure view data.

  2. Use the Spatial Analysis Options tools and the map tools to work with the analysis results.

    (Map Layers) and then search for and add the Songda 2004 map layer to your active layers (see "Map Tools" for information about map layers). Then select the layer on the Active Layers tab. Touchstone displays the results with the map layer bands and the path.
  3. To create another widget, right-click on the map and then select the type of widget—Summary Statistics, Map, Basic Chart/Table, or Advanced Chart/Table— you want to create.


To view accumulators of exposure by FEMA Flood Zones bands, follow these steps:

  1. Run an event accumulation analysis with FEMA Flood for Accumulation selected as an accumulation item and with Enable Dynamic Results selected.

  2. Right-click on the map and then select Basic Chart/Table.

  3. In the Data Selector, in the Categories area, under Spatial Attributes, select FEMAFloodfor_Accumulation_Band1Band.

  4. In the Values area, select Total Replacement Value.

  5. Leave Chart as the widget mode.

  6. Clear Defer Update. The new chart displays the total replacement values for the exposures in the FEMA flood bands in the layer.