Display Modes in Geospatial Analysis Results
When a Geospatial Analysis has completed, you can view the analysis results, either from the Results pane or from the Activity Monitor. This topic describes each display mode—Accumulation Display mode and Interactive Browser mode. You can switch between the two modes.
Accumulation Display mode
When you run a Geospatial Analysis Ring analysis on a combined exposure view (Property and Workers' Compensation):
The results grid initially ranks the rings by combined Property and Workers' Compensation accumulation values, within each ring, in descending order.
The total risk count displayed in the grid will not match the values shown in the Exposure Summary; instead, the values in the results grid reflect the total counts of exposures that matched the type of analysis.
The Results ribbon includes Property and Workers' Compensation widgets. When you select both widgets, you can view results for the combined exposure view by Location-based Ring Results Overview, Damage Ranges, Contributing Contracts, Contributing Layers, and Contributing Locations. The grid then includes columns relevant to each type of exposure: Property Financial Perspectives, Workers' Compensation Financial Perspectives, Property and Workers' Compensation Financial Perspectives. The contents of the grid change when you select either the Property widget or the Workers' Compensation widget, but not both widgets.
When the Enable Dynamic Results option is not selected in Step 3-Modify Settings and Reinsurance during configuration, Touchstone displays the accumulation results in a grid. The contents of the results grid depend on the configuration, for example:
In a ring analysis, the top grid might display the top 1.5 million risks by total replacement values (TRVs) while the bottom grid displays the damage ranges.
In a Dynamic Ring analysis for property exposures, Workers' Compensation, and combined exposure views, the top grid displays the location-based ring results, including, for each dynamic ring, latitude and longitude, the selected financial perspectives, total replacement value, risk and location counts, and peril. When you select a dynamic ring analysis, the Damage Ranges grid displays the associated damage band information. Cross-page sorting is available for Dynamic Ring analyses in Accumulation Display mode.
In a ring analysis for Workers' Compensation, the location-based results contain location information, including, for each ring, address information, geocode match level, latitude and longitude, financial terms (ground-up, exposed gross, exposed net of pre-CAT, exposed post-CAT net, total insured employees, shift employees, total employee payout, risk and location counts, and peril.
Damage Ranges results include: Damage Band information, financial terms (ground-up, exposed gross, exposed net of pre-CAT, exposed post-CAT net), attributes (total employees, shift employees, total employee payout, risk count, location count, and peril).
Contributing Contracts results include: Location information (address information, geocode match level, latitude), financial terms (ground-up, exposed gross, exposed net of pre-CAT, exposed post-CAT net), attributes (total employees, shift employees, total employee payout, risk count, location count, peril).
Contributing Layers results include: Layer information, financial terms (ground-up, exposed gross, exposed net of pre-CAT, exposed post-CAT net), attributes (total employees, shift employees, total employee payout, risk count, location count, peril).
Contributing Locations results include: Location information, financial terms (ground-up, exposed gross, exposed net of pre-CAT, exposed post-CAT net), attributes (total employees, shift employees, total employee payout, risk count, location count, peril).
For Property Exposure, Workers' Compensation, and combined exposure view analyses, if you select exposed limits under Financial Terms when select ing the values to analyze (step 3), the results will include the results for each selected financial term. You can clear the results for a financial perspective by clicking the name of the financial term.
The View Options window, which is available from the sidebar, enables you to view a map of the accumulation results and view the results by Damage Ranges, Contributing Contracts, Contributing Layers, and Contributing Locations. You can resize the windows in the grid and adjust the layout of the content items.
Interactive Browser mode
If you select Enable Dynamic Results in Step 3 (Selecting values to analyze), Touchstone will display the analysis results on a map with the display mode set to Interactive Browser. The Analysis Summary widget is in the upper left corner of the map; widgets are available only in Interactive Browser mode. The map tools are in the upper right corner of the map. The area above the map contains icons for performing spatial analytics operations on the results.
If you ran a Dynamic Ring analysis, this mode does not display all the dynamic rings at the same time.
Usage notes
Since Geospatial Analysis results are deterministic, you should view them by one accumulator at a time. AIR recommends that you run a Geospatial Analysis with one accumulator (event, zone set, boundary, or ring) at a time. If you run the analysis with multiple accumulators, AIR recommends that you view the results through the Accumulation Display rather than through the Interactive Browser. However, if you want to run an analysis with multiple accumulators and you want to view the results through the Interactive Browser, make sure that you include the accumulator name as either a row, column, or filter when you create an advanced widget to view the results. If you do not include the accumulator name, the widget display may make it appear that the values are being double counted because of locations that fall in more than one accumulator.
In Interactive Mode, if you ran a Workers' Compensation analysis, the Analysis Summary will include the Total Employee payout value instead of the Total Replacement value that is displayed for a Property Exposure analysis. The Total Employee payout is calculated by multiplying the Total Employees by the Injury Payout by the Damage Ratio by the Shift Percentage. In addition, the Analysis Summary widget will contain exposure values appropriate to the type of analysis, such as Total Employees and Shift Employees. The Shift employees are calculated by multiplying the Total Employees by the Shift Percentage for a Workers' Compensation analysis.
Interactive Mode does not apply if the exposure view contains both property exposures and workers' compensation data.
The total risk count displayed in the results grid will not match the values shown in the Exposure Summary. Instead, the values in the results grid will reflect the total counts of exposures that matched the type of analysis.
If you run a Property Exposure analysis, property values, such as TRV, are displayed. If you run a Workers' Compensation analysis, workers' compensation values, such as Total Employee Payout, are displayed, while property values, such as TRV are not displayed. If you run a combined exposure view analysis, TRV, Total Employee Payout, and Total Accumulation exposure are displayed, where the Total Accumulated Exposure is the sum of TRV and Total Employee Payout.
Exported results include only the data for the type of analysis that you ran, and exposure clusters in the results include only property exposure or workers' compensation exposure counts, but not both.