In Interactive Browser results mode, you can filter chart and table widgets
by one or more shapes. Drawing tools, which are available only when you
license Geospatial Analysis, enable you to draw shapes, save them, and use
them on Touchstone maps.
On the map, Zoom in close on the area where you want to draw a
Under Project Layers, clear the Clustered Points layer.
Since clusters provide a generalized, low-resolution view of the underlying exposures, and
polygons and ellipses are more precise, you will be able to draw
a more accurate shape without the Clustered
Points layer.
Click Filter by Shapes.
The Analysis Summary will not display any data, but will be filled with data
after you draw a shape on the map. Move the Analysis
Summary away from the targeted area.
Open Drawing Tools and then click the shape you
want to use.
Draw a polygon by clicking points on the map until the polygon
shape includes the exposures for which you want to view the
analysis summary. Then double-click to stop drawing the
The Analysis Summary reflects the values for
the exposures that fall within the shape.
To return to regular selection mode, click the Select
Shape icon (a pointer) in the Drawing
Tools pane.