Download event data to a CSV file

You can download data associated with your selected events in comma-separated values format.

Verisk Catalog Viewer enables you to download event data to comma-separated values format.

Specifically, for a set of results in the Results table or the events in the My Collection tab, you can download:

  • A list of event IDs.
  • Event attribute information for each landfall associated with the event.
  • A list of model and event IDs that you can import into the Touchstone or Touchstone Re.
  • Storm tracks, only for the events in the My Collection tab.


  1. In the Results panel tab, click Download to open a new dialogue box showing the drop-down options.
  2. Select one of the following options:



    Landfall information to CSV

    To download information on landfall data associated with each event.

    Event IDs to CSV

    To download a comma-delimited list of event identifiers.

    Touchstone/Touchstone Re input

    To download a list of model and event identifiers in a format supported by Touchstone and Touchstone Re.
    StormTracks to GeoJSON

    To download information on storm tracks for the selected events (Only available in the My Collection tab).

    • For all the above choices, you can choose from either of the two options:
      • Click All Results to include all the events that meet the search criteria you defined during the event search, regardless of any filters in the Results table.
      • Optionally, click Filtered Results to include only those events that meet both the event search criteria and the filter criteria.


Your system downloads the CSV file based on your options.