Interpreting Augmentation Results

After the Data Quality analysis is completed, you can view the results.

To access results in Portfolio Mode, see "Working with Grids".

To access results in Underwriting Contract Mode, see "Viewing Analysis Results" in "Running Underwriting Analyses".


When you open the results of an Augmentation analysis, Touchstone displays the results in a tabular format in the Report Detail Viewer. The viewer offers four views. Each view provides several options for grouping the results. By default, Touchstone opens to the Rule > Rule view.


Group Results By



Country; Area; Sub Area; Postal; Location; Location, Rule

To support the data consistency feature, the Geography > Location, Rule view includes an Augmentation Status column—the column indicates whether the location was augmented or whether the data was consistent with AIR's Property-specific database. Even in cases where the data is not augmented, Augment flags individual location attributes that are consistent with data in AIR's Property-specific database, provided that you selected Include Data Consistency Details when you configured the Augment options for property-specific data.


Rule Type, Rule Category, Rule

The Rule > Rule view always includes summary information about data consistency for locations and total replacement value.

Result Summary

Country, Area, Sub Area

Consistency - Result Summary

Country, Area, Sub Area

This view, which provides information about data consistency for each location, appears only if you selected the Include Data Consistency Details option when configuring the analysis. All the grouping options include information about the percent of locations that are consistent with the PSD.

Click here for information about sorting columns, filtering lists, grouping analysis results by different column headings, and calculating grand summaries of analysis results.


To view basic information about the results set, in the sidebar click (Show/Hide Content Items) and then select Overview. Information includes:

Analysis Information

The analysis name, output type (such as "Augmentation"), and ID; the name of the person who submitted the analysis, the date of the submission, and the project currency.

Exposure Scope Analyzed

Total counts of important exposure data analyzed in the results set, including the number of exposure sets, policies, and locations, the total replacement value of the portfolio before you ran the analysis, the change in total replacement value after running the analysis, the final total replacement value after running the analysis, and the total replacement value of locations that were augmented during the analysis.

Augmentation Match Statistics

Lists statistics for location records in the portfolio that were matched to a building during the analysis:

# Location Records

The number of locations that matched. Lists the number and percent of locations with: a risk count greater than 1; incomplete or invalid addresses; incomplete or invalid construction or occupancy codes (indicating non-building exposures); no data that meets rule criteria for searching the Property-specific database.

# Records available to match to buildings

The number and percent of locations in the portfolio that can be matched to buildings.

# Matches Made

The number and percent of locations that matched: building information available; more than one building based on an address match; unique buildings for locations that were augmented or not augmented according to the selected rules.

Augmentation - Details

The number of: augmented locations matched to and augmented from locations in AIR's Property-specific database; locations that were augmented based on user-specified values; locations augmented by calculations, that is, where coverages or limits were updated in proportion to the changes that were made to building values (replacement value A); locations with duplicates addresses (BINs).

You can use the Notes field to record notes, observations, or identifying information for the selected results set.


To view summary information about the results set, in the sidebar click (Show/Hide Content Items) and then select Summary. The Summary window displays a chart that shows the percent of locations augmented for each of the rule categories used in the analysis. As you move the pointer over each colored bar, the application displays information about the result, including the number of locations augmented and the percent of locations that were augmented.


To view the % Replacement Value of Locations Augmented data on a map, select Geography in the View list and then select how you want to group the results, for example, by country. In the sidebar, click click (Show/Hide Content Items) and then select Map.