Exporting Loss Results To Company Loss Files
You can export loss results to company loss files (CLFs) by line of business (LOB), area, and subarea, for each event included in an analysis. You can subsequently use the CLFs to run analyses in Touchstone Re if you license the applications.
You have three options for saving the exported CLF:
Save the CLFs in a directory that is accessible to Touchstone.
Save the CLF data in the AIRCompanyLoss database, which is accessible to both Touchstone and Touchstone Re.
Do both 1 and 2.
Option 2 enables you to transfer CLFs directly to Touchstone Re rather than exporting and then importing the files.
A CLF comprises:
Two encoded files (*.clf and *.evt) and
A summary file (*.evi) that describes the data in the two encoded files
For each peril, model, and loss type combination in the loss results, Touchstone generates a one set of encoded files (*.clf and *.evt). Peril and model combinations share the summary *.evi files for each loss types.
The names of related files include a prefix that you specify.
CLFs are especially useful for analyzing non-standard books with unusually high deductibles or unique geographic concentrations, per risk and surplus share treaties, and facultative contracts.
You can export losses that were saved by layer & geography and by layer & location if the geographic resolution is equal to or finer than the sub area resolution.
If you selected the Maximum Any One Life (MAOL) option when you configured the loss analysis, Touchstone generates separate files for each selected MAOL limit.
You can view and export loss results from previous product versions. However, if the event IDs or LOBs have have changed since Touchstone generated the losses, the exported report does not include the IDs or LOBs. If the version of the product, catalog, and model appropriately marked and the event IDs have not changed, Touchstone Re can accept CLFs from the preceding version of a model.
Touchstone exports loss results in the *Saved Currency with one exception:
UF losses: You can import exposures coded as UF (Unidad de fomento) into Touchstone without issue. However, when you export a CLF, Touchstone converts UF to CLP, which is a currency supported in Touchstone Re. UF and CLP are different currencies. Therefore, you should consider consistency among the rates when you create currency tables.
To export loss analysis results to a Company Loss File: