Exporting Ring Analysis Results to Terrorism Event Sets

All users—system and standard—can export the results of a Geospatial Ring Accumulation analysis to a deterministic terrorism event set. This integration between ring analyses and event set management helps users complete the AM Best Terrorism SRQ more quickly. Touchstone will only include ring centroids in licensed countries when creating the terrorism event set.


Users can also create custom terrorism event sets from the Administration Console: Event Set Management > . See Create Custom Terrorism Event Sets


To export Ring Accumulation analysis results to a terrorism event set:

  1. On the global menu bar, click Export > Results > Ring to Terrorism Event Set.
    You can also export the results by highlighting ring analysis results in the Geospatial Analyses Results pane and then clicking Export, or by right-clicking on one analysis in the grid and then clicking Export > Ring to Terrorism Event Set on the shortcut menu or by clicking

    (Export) on the grid toolbar. If you highlight an analysis and then access Export from the shortcut menu or from the icon on the grid toolbar, the analysis will automatically be selected in the AIR ExportExpress window and the Event Set Name field will default to the analysis ID and name.

    The AIR ExportExpress window opens.

  2. On the Source Results tab:
    1. Select the source Geospatial Analysis results or leave the default selection.
    2. In Event Set Name, leave the default name or enter a unique name.
    3. [Optional] In Event Set Description, enter a description.
  3. Select the Options tab.

    The Event Set Information tab in the far right of the window displays the number of rings generated and the number of weapon types. The information reflects changes you make as you select the size and the weapon type. If events exceed the 1.5 million limit as you select weapons, Touchstone displays a warning and displays the Export button until the number is less than 1.5 million.

  4. If there are no weapon types, add at least one weapon by clicking , selecting the weapon type, and selecting the delivery vehicles.

    The Event Set Information reflects the selected number of weapon types.

    The Small Plane Crash and Large Plane Crash options enable you to select the impact height, which represents the number of building stories—enter a value between 1-99. You can then preserve or overwrite the number of existing building stories.

    Touchstone 2021 includes a new weapon type, Medium Truck (10-ton TNT). In addition, Delivery Truck (6-ton TNT) has been renamed to Small Truck (6-ton TNT).

    The Export button will not be active until you choose the size and a weapon.

  5. Specify the size by selecting one of the following options:
    • Create an event for selected weapons type at all ring centroids

    • Top <n> Ring Centroids for selected weapon type ranked by largest financial perspective

  6. If you selected Top <n> Ring Centroids for selected weapon type ranked by largest financial perspective:
    1. Enter the maximum number of ring centroids to include in the event set.

      Touchstone supports up to 1,500,000 (1.5 million) ring centroids. The number of events will depend on the number of rings generated and the number of weapons. The Event Set Information box displays an error if the number of events exceeds 1.5 million.

    2. Select the financial perspective: Exposed Ground Up, Exposed Gross, or Exposed Net of Pre-CAT .
  7. [Optional] In the Group by location list, select the UDF to use.

    This option is useful for the SRQ report, where you can answer AM Best SRQ questions by tier. The tiers reflect the level of perceived risk of attack for U.S. cities. For example, Tier 1 is composed of 5 target cities, while Tier 2 is composed of 21 target cities. The option is relevant only when you select the top <n> number of events: it enables you to create events for the top <n> events for each UDF category. For example, selecting the top 1,000 events by UDF1 creates the top 1,000 events for each tier, that is, for a total of 3,000 events. You can analyze an entire portfolio without breaking it up into individual tiers. You can view location UDF fields in the tContract.UserDefined<n> and tLocation.UserDefined<n> tables.

  8. Click Export.


The IDT Export activity is submitted and you can monitor the status in the Activity Monitor. If you selected one weapon type, the activity name includes the weapon name; if you selected multiple weapon types, the activity name includes "_Multi" at the end of the name. You can view the newly created event set: Administration Console > Event Set Management > User Created Event Set > Date Created > select "Today".