Search for Wildfire events from Verisk's ALERT™ services
Find wildfire events from the Verisk's real-time catastrophic event updates.
You can find events of interest from Verisk Analytics's ALERT™ services that could affect your portfolio.
Click on the add symbol next to WILDFIRE
Click on the Query By ALERT™ Real-time.
ALERT™ Real-time window opens listing all the Real-Time wildfire events.
- Toggle the Show Events on Map, to remove the wildfire markers of the ALERT events on the map. Currently, they are shown by default.
Alternatively, type in the name of the wildfire event in the text box.
Optionally, click on the Close button
to clear the input and enter a new name.
Optionally, click on the Close button
Next Steps
Note: Note that whenever you navigate from one peril search to
another, you will receive a warning message informing you that all of your current peril
data and related map layers will be cleared.