Bulk Select Option
Administration Console > Object Management > Zone Set Manager
The Bulk Select option enables you to quickly create multiple zones for finer geographic resolutions without having to select each geographic area. You might want to create a group of countries and then create individual CRESTA zones for all those countries without having to create the zones country by country. This function is available for every geography level below Country level. When you select multiple countries that support the same level of resolution, unsupported levels of resolution are dimmed.
To use Bulk Select:
- Create a zone set.
In the Regions list, select the region for the new zone.
Select "Europe" as the region.
In the Country column, select the check box next to each country that you want to
include in the new zone.
Select: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland.
The Zones panel lists the new zones.
In the Country column, click
(Bulk Select).
The Create Zones from checked geographies at this resolution dialog box opens. The list includes all resolutions applicable to all the selected (checked) countries.
Select the desired resolution:
Use this option to create individual zones for the selected areas in the current geographic resolution. Select Europe as the region and then select Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland. The second column, "CRESTA", lists the second-level geographical areas for Switzerland, the currently highlighted country. Click Bulk Select > Selection > Add Zones. The Zones pane listsindividual zones for each country at the CRESTA or CRESTA level.
Use this option to create individual zones at the Area level. Select North America > Bahamas and Barbados as the countries. With Barbados highlighted, the second column, "Parish\CRESTA", lists the geographic areas for Barbados. In the Country column, click Bulk Select > Selection > Add to Zones. The Zones pane lists individual Parish\CRESTA zones for Barbados (BB) and District zones for Bahamas (BS)
Use this option to create individual zones at the Subarea level. Select North America as the region and then select Canada and United States in the Country column. The second column lists the geographic areas (states) for the United States, the currently highlighted country. If you highlight "Canada", the second column lists the CRESTA\Province areas for Canada. In the Country column, click Bulk Select > Selection > Add to Zones. The Zones pane lists individual subarea (county) zones for the United States and subarea (3-character FSA codes, among others) zones for Canada.
Use this option to create individual zones at the Postal level. Select North America as the region and United States as the country. The second column lists all the states. Click Bulk Select > Selection > Add to Zones. The Zones pane now includes individual zones for each state at the postal level.
Use this option to create individual zones at the Subarea2 level.
If you select a single country, the Bulk Select list includes only the resolutions applicable to the selected country.
If you select multiple countries that support the same resolution levels, Bulk Select includes only the resolutions that are applicable to the selected countries.
If you select multiple countries that support different resolution levels, Bulk Select displays the maximum supported resolution level. If you select a resolution that is not supported by all the countries, Bulk Select displays a message that it cannot create bulk zones for those countries. You select United States, Canada, and Cuba, and then select Postal for bulk zone creation. A message indicates that bulk zones will not be created for Cuba because it does not support Postal resolution.
If you select multiple countries, select several areas at the next level (for one of the countries), click Bulk Select (in the Country column), and select a resolution, Zone Set Manager creates individual zones only for the selected areas (not for all the selected countries).
If you want to create bulk zones for multiple countries with various resolutions, you can choose each individual country and then select a zone resolution from the Bulk Select list.
Click Add to Zones.
The Zone Set Manager adds the zones to the zone set. It also clears the check boxes for the countries for which you created the bulk zones.
Note:Administrators can configure the maximum number of zones that are displayed in the Zones panel. When the number of zones exceeds that limit, the panel is 'frozen'. While the zones are created, you cannot edit the zone set. You can, however, save the zone set that you created. Even if you cannot see zones in the Zones panel, you can select them when configuring a Detailed Loss Analysis.
- Click Save.
You can use a similar process to create bulk zones for other levels of resolution. Select Pacific Rim as the region, select China as the country, and then select Beijing as the province. In the 6-digit county codes column, select several counties. Click Bulk Select > Selection > Add Zones. Zone Set Manager creates individual zones for each postal code in the selected counties.