ERDAS IMG Raster Files

Touchstone supports the import of ERDAS IMG raster files as map layers. You can then visualize your exposure data with the imported map layers and run Geospatial Analyses with the map layers. (You must have a license for Geospatial Analysis.)

ERDAS IMG is a format for multi-layer images developed for use with ERDAS IMAGINE Software, which is used for processing remote sensing data.

You can import files with the following extensions. IMG files without projection information are not supported.


Single file extension.


Images larger than two gigabytes.


Binary files that store external overview data.


Used for XML-formatted text files that store spatial reference information and metadata in ESRI format.


Used for XML-formatted text files that store spatial reference information and metadata in the PAM format. Also stores information that is not normally encoded in the header, such as raster statistics, color maps, and pointers to the pyramids file (.rrd).

Non-IMG files

Must be saved in the same directory as their accompany IMG map images.

You can import most projected IMG files.

Support for types of raster cells:


Unsigned Int16 (unsigned short)

Int16 (short)

Unsigned Int32 (unsigned integer)

Int32 (integer)

Float 32

Float 2 (double)