GML Vector Files

Touchstone supports the import of GML vector files (.gml) as map layers. You can then visualize your exposure data with the imported map layers and run Geospatial Analyses with the map layers. (You must have a license for Geospatial Analysis.)

You can import the following geometry types, where polygons are imported as polygon objects, lines as lines, and points as points. Note that you cannot use geometry types that are incompatible with SQL Server geography objects, including polygons with inner holes.

  • Line

  • Point

  • Polygon

  • Multi-point

  • Multi-line

  • Multi-polygon

You can import projected GML files.

If you use GML with an external schema in .GFS, the auxiliary files may cause inconsistency in the spatial references. Touchstone will compare the GFS and GML files and try to overwrite the GFS file to match the GML file.