Loss Analysis Template

Admininstration Console > Object Management > Loss Analysis Template

Loss Analysis templates enable you to specify defaults for a Detailed Loss Analysis. To use this object, you must have the appropriate Loss Analysis license.

The Loss Analysis Template pane contains the following fields and buttons:



Common Buttons

Enable you to manage Loss Analysis templates.


The name of the selected template.


A brief description of the selected template.


The date on which the selected template was created and the name of the user who created it.


The date on which the template was last modified and the name of the user who last modified it.

Template definition area

The desired default settings for detailed loss analyses. When you create or edit a Loss Analysis template, you can include any of the settings in this area. For more information about the settings that you can specify, see the following topics:

Usage notes

  • Before creating or modifying a template, review the "Templates" topic.

  • To select the default template, select the template in the Loss Analysis Template list and then click Set as default.