Ring Accumulations
Accumulating by rings is useful when you want to analyze your property exposure workers' compensation data for terrorism risks. However, you can use this method of accumulation for any peril when you want to understand areas of high concentration of risk in a small geographical area.
You can configure five types of ring analyses, as described in "Ring Placement Criteria":
- Dynamic Ring
Generates ring locations based on exposure locations so that you can identify the highest concentrations.
- Grid Ring
Finds the largest portfolio accumulations with either a 100% damage ratio (the default) or a user-defined damage ratio. Touchstone can then quickly calculate the ring center placement without going through all locations in the portfolio.
- Top <n> risks by [total replacement value or employee payout or total accumulated exposure]
Generates rings based on the specified top number of risks.
If you select Property as the analysis type, the field label is Top <n> risks by total replacement value. If you select Workers' Compensation as the analysis type, the field label is Top <n> risks by employee payout. If you select both Property and Workers' Compensation as the analysis type, the field label is Top <n> risks by total accumulated exposure.
If you configure a Property-only analysis, the top risks are calculated based on the Total Replacement Value (TRV) in the property exposure data. If you configure a Workers' Compensation-only analysis, the number of risks are calculated based on the employee payout (Time of Day or Shift Percentage x Cost of Selected Injury x Number of Employees at given location). If you configure the analysis for both property and Workers' Compensation exposure data, the calculation is based on the combination of the Total Replacement Value (TRV) in the property exposure data and the employee payout in the workers’ compensation exposure data
Note:Workers' Compensation Wage and Benefits defaults are specified in the Loss Defaults section of the Administration Console. If the imported exposure data does not include workers' compensation data, Touchstone backfills the information using the default values.
- AIR Landmarks
Generates rings on high-trophy targets compiled by AIR and categorized into different types of landmarks, such as malls, airports, etc.
- Address List
Enables you to use specific addresses around which to create rings.
You can create a single ring on each location or a set of concentric rings; you do this when you define the ring radius and damage ratio for each concentric ring. The option is not available for Dynamic Ring Analysis because this type of ring analysis generates rings after the analysis. In addition, concentric rings are not available for Grid Ring analyses.
To accumulate values by rings: