Applying Reinsurance to a Geospatial Analysis

When you configure a Geospatial Analysis, for Property exposure, Workers' Compensation exposure, or combined exposure, you can associate the analysis targets with a single reinsurance program. Touchstone applies the terms of the treaties in the reinsurance program to the analysis results. Click here for information about managing reinsurance programs.

Before applying treaty terms, Touchstone checks whether:

  • The lines of business (LOBs) in the reinsurance program treaties match the LOBs in the analysis target.

  • The Surplus Share treaty IDs in the program match the Surplus Share treaty IDs in the analysis target.

  • There is overlap between the inception and expiration dates in the reinsurance program and the analysis target.


To select a reinsurance program:

  1. Select the analysis type (step 1).
  2. Configure the analysis (step 2).
  3. Navigate to the Step 3 - Modify Settings and Reinsurance tab and then select the Reinsurance tab.
  4. In the list of available reinsurance programs, select the reinsurance program to apply to the analysis results.
  5. If the exposure that is the target of the analysis includes facultative treaties, configure the Facultative Reinsurance option.

    The default is Apply and inure to the benefit of treaties, making this value consistent with the default for Detailed Loss Analysis.