New features added in this release

Here are the changes we made since the last release.

  • Earthquake peril integration- You can now explore from two of the Verisk's 10k stochastic event data sets. This includes 10k stochastic event data sets from North America(United States and Canada) and Japan. You can optionally select between Time dependent and Time independent view of risks to evaluate the potential impacts of Earthquake events on your portfolios.

    The following visualization and analytical capabilities are included in this release:
    • Visualization of Epicenter Points of Stochastic event sets on map.
    • Visualization of the event summary of the selected Stochastic event set.
    • Search for a specific Stochastic event ID.
    • Parametric search for a Stochastic event.
    • Ability to Download event specific information.
    • Search and visualization of ALERT events.
    You can now access earthquake data using API endpoints. Additionally, you can apply attribute filters to refine the earthquake events based on your specific interests.