Deleting Exposure Views

Deleting exposure viewss

When you delete an exposure view, you can choose whether to delete the exposure sets and results associated with the exposure view. Touchstone automatically deletes the exposure view summary associated with the exposure view.


To delete exposure views:

  1. Open a project.
  2. In the navigation pane, in the Project Data area, click All Exposure Views.
  3. Highlight the exposure view or views that you want to delete.

    Click in the first cell of a row to select a single exposure view that you want to delete, without opening the exposure view. To higlight multiple rows, hold down Ctrl and click in the cell, or highlight a row, click Shift, and then select the last row you want to highlight.

  4. Click (Delete).

    Alternatively, right-click the selected exposure views and then click Delete on the shortcut menu.

    The You're about to delete <n> exposure views confirmation dialog box appears.

  5. Select the items (or artifacts)—exposure sets and results— that you want to delete.

    If you highlighted multiple exposure views, the options apply to all the exposure views. If any of the selected exposure views includes a filter, and you select Exposure Sets, this warning appears: Note: Entire Exposure Set(s) will be deleted.

  6. Click Delete.


The application deletes the exposure view or views and selected artifacts, and removes references to the deleted data.