Number of Contracts by Limit Type
Number of contracts by limit type.
The bar chart displays the number of contracts by limit type. Moving the pointer over a bar displays the exact number of contracts.
This view enables you to validate that you have the correct number and type of limits in your exposure data.
To display detailed results for this view, click Show in Window
in the Limit Type
Distribution window. The following table describes each of the columns in
the results grid.
Column |
Description |
Contract Count |
Number of contracts in the corresponding category |
Limit Type |
Limit type—Blanket Limit Combined Excluding Time, Combined Single Limit 100% participatin, Combined Single Limit Assured Interest, Combined Including Time Separately, Excess Limit, Limit by Coverage, Limit by Coverage 100% Participatin, Limited by Coverage with Assured Interest, No limit |
Limit Type Code |
Alphanumeric code for the limit type |
Contracts % |
Number of contracts that fall in the corresponding category, expressed as a percent of all locations |