Creating an Advanced Widget
You can create advanced widgets that enable you to select as many attributes and measurements to display in a chart or table as you want to, resulting in a multi-dimensional view of the data. Depending on whether you drag items into the Rows or Columns areas, the chart or table will pivot, displaying the results differently. The Spatial Attributes category appears only when you run a Geospatial Analysis with Enable Dynamic Results selected.
The example used in this topic uses the results of a Geospatial Analysis that was run using the following Event Accumulation configuration settings:
Accumulate Values by:
Values to Analyze: Exposed Ground Up, Exposed Gross, Exposed Net of Pre-CAT (Step 3, Modify Settings and Reinsurance)
Enable Dynamic Results: Selected (Step 3, Modify Settings and Reinsurance)
Enlarging widgets makes it easier to see all the information you are working with.
To filter results within PGA bands by policy ID with several measurements, such as exposed limits: