View industry loss numbers from a Tropical Cyclone event

You can view industry loss numbers associated with a selected event. You can also view industry loss numbers by region for the selected event.

Currently Industry Losses in Catalog Viewer are only available for 10K United States Hurricane Catalog, US Standard Historical Catalog and US Historical EDS(Extreme Disaster Scenario) and RDS(Lloyd's Realistic Disaster Scenario)Event Sets.


  1. Search for an event.
  2. In the Results panel, select the row of the event of your interest.

    The entire storm track gets highlighted on the map.

  3. Click on the Industry Loss (USD) M of the event of your choice.
    You will see Industry Loss States (USD) M for the selected event.
  4. Alternatively, click on the Event Summary at the top of the Results table.

    You will see an information pop-up on the map, providing industry loss numbers associated with the selected event. The Event Summary for the Historical events contain details about the event name and the actual year of occurrence.

  5. Click elsewhere on the Results panel to clear the pop-up.