Event Accumulation

You can accumulate property exposures based on event footprints. AIR provides event footprints based on the perils and regions that you license. AIR events are categorized as Historical Events or World Disaster Scenarios:

  • Historical Events are real world events such as Hurricane Katrina or the Northridge earthquake.

  • World Disaster Scenarios include events such as Lloyds' disaster scenarios or Extreme Disaster Scenarios).

You can also import your own GIS layers that represent a single disaster event using Map Layer Import. You can select multiple historical and World Disaster Scenarios events from any combination of AIR-provided layers or your custom imported layers.


If you import a map layer using Map Layer Import while configuring an event accumulation, you may have to close your project and reopen it for that layer to appear in the list of available layers on the Accumulate tab.

The Accumulate grid displays all the AIR data layers and all the layers that you have imported; depending on what you have licensed, the list can be long. To search for a specific layer, enter keywords in the Search box. You can also use (Filter) to search for layers by type, region, and peril. The Search text is combined with the selected filters using an "AND" Search operator.

If you enter Andrew in the Search box and then apply a filter for earthquake, Touchstone will not return any events because there are no earthquakes with "Andrew" in the event name or description.

For some events, depending on the type of peril, you may be able to add new accumulation ranges and remove accumulation ranges.


There are accumulation ranges for an event only if the event footprint has intensity information associated with it. For example, the RDS UK Flood event only outlines what is flooded; it does not indicate the depth of the water. The Charleston 1886 earthquake event footprint indicates the intensity of the ground movement(G).


To accumulate values by events:

  1. Select (Event Accumulation) as the analysis type.
  2. In the Step 2 - Configure pane, on the Accumulate tab, select one or more events in the grid.
  3. Click to preview an event, one at a time, on your map.

    Touchstone draws the selected layer on the map; the drawn layer remains until you preview a different event. If you use (Map Layers) to add layers to the map, those layers remain on the map even when you preview a different event.

    From the Accumulate grid, you preview "Andrew 1992" on the map. You then use (Map Layers) to add "Katrina 2005" to the map. When you preview a different event, such as "Emily 2 2005", the preview for "Andrew 1992" disappears from the map, but the "Katrina 2005" layer is still on the map.

  4. Click (ellipsis) to view information about an event.

    Information for the highlighted event includes the event name, the peril associated with the event, the region, and the event year, and, for some events, accumulation ranges.

    If you select the historical Charleston 1886 earthquake, the description includes "Earthquake" as the peril type of the event and the accumulation ranges for the PGA (peak ground acceleration) with Minimum and Maximum ranges for each range band. If you select a world scenarios event, such as the RDS UK Flood event, the description pane includes the peril type of the event ("Flood"); some RDS events, such as the RDS UK Flood event, do not include accumulation ranges.

  5. [Optional] Modify one or more accumulation ranges.
    1. For historical events, depending on the type of peril, you may be able to add new accumulation ranges. To add a new accumulation range for an event, select the event, click , and then click (Add New Range. In the new row, edit the default Range data, which includes: Min, Max, Label, Damage %, and Fill.
    2. To remove an accumulation range, select the row, and then click .
    3. To edit an accumulation range, select the event, open the description panel, and then click in each cell where you want to make a change.

      The default damage percent is 100.00 for all range values. You should modify the damage percent for each value and each event that you select, based upon your own claims experience.

  6. [Optional] Select the Intersect tab and then, optionally, on the Hazard tab, select one or more hazard layers.

    You can use the same Search, Filter, and Preview functions for the hazard layers that you use for events.

  7. [Optional] Select the Detailed Loss tab and then select a single set of loss analysis results.