Zonal Accumulations
Managing accumulations by zones is the most common way of managing accumulations, especially for peak accumulation zones and non-modeled perils/regions. You can accumulate property exposure data and analysis values into one or more zones, enabling you to determine the potential risk to property exposures in the selected zones. A zonal accumulation accumulates the values for all properties in your exposure data that match the filter criteria specified for the selected zone set and then calculates the potential loss based on the specified damage ratio (percent).
To determine the potential for 100% losses resulting from earthquake shake in Napa county in California, you could configure a zone with a filter definition that specifies that the Country Code is "US", the Area Code is "CA", the Sub Area is "Napa", and the location peril is "Earthquake Shake", with a damage percent of 100.00. If the total replacement value for the exposures accumulated in the zone is $1 billion and the damage percent is 100%, then the total potential loss is $1 billion.
You can select one or more existing zone sets, and you can define your own. A zone set includes one or more zones, where each zone record specifies whether filters were applied to the zone, the peril applied to the zone, and the damage percent you want to use. You can assign a different damage percent to each zone. By default, Touchstone includes various Lloyd's RDS zones, including Lloyd's Residential, Lloyd's Commercial, and Lloyd's Combined zone sets.
(Zonal Accumulation) as the analysis type. Then, in the Step 2 - Configure pane, on the Accumulate tab, select the zone sets that you want to use. Or, click Manage Zone Sets to add a new zone set and then select the new zone set. If you created custom zones, the Geospatial Analysis defaults to Custom Zones; otherwise, it defaults to AIR Zones
You can select multiple zones and zone sets to include in an analysis. The selected zones and zone sets can include a combination of AIR zones and custom zones.
[Optional] To select one or more hazard layers, select the Intersect tab, and then, on the Hazard tab, select one or more hazard layers. Click to preview the layer. You can preview one hazard layer at a time. Click (ellipsis) to view information about a hazard layer.
[Optional] To select a single set of loss analysis results, select the Detailed Loss tab and then select the results to use.